
Moving expense data from columns K:M to respective columns N:Y (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.) based on date (month) in column AA, but any future dates in column AA are populating the data in the future (forward) and not historically as desired?

Sub MoveData() 
Dim vals As Range, val As Range, colOffset As Integer 
Set vals = Range("K2:K" & Range("K2").End(xlDown).Row) 

For Each val In vals 

 If val > 0 Then 
  colOffset = VBA.month(val.offset(0, 16)) 
  val.offset(0, colOffset) = val 
  val.offset(0, colOffset + 1) = val.offset(0, 1) 
  val.offset(0, colOffset + 2) = val.offset(0, 2) 
 End if 

 Next val 
End Sub 

!Exampleenter image description here

Please show an example of your data.Doug Glancy
I'll have a look once I also see an example of the data.CaffeinatedMike
you have to move data from 3 columns ("K", "L", "M") in a range of 12 (from "N" to "Y") columns based on the month in column "AA". and you have data in column "Z". 1) is the month to localize the first cell to move data into? 2) if yes, how to handle the case when the month is > 10 and so your moving data would overlap columns "Z" and "AA" data? 3) is data in column "Z" significant for moving activity?user3598756
The month to localize the data is the final month in the 3 month string of expense data. Said another way, June date in column AA would populate in columns Q(April), R(May) and S(June) from column K(April), L(May) & M(June).Shrewd1
So the image you loaded up is an example of a "correct" moving, isn't it?user3598756

1 Answers


edited after OP's further specs

not sure I grasped the logic you need, but try this

Option Explicit

Sub MoveData()
Dim colOffset As Integer, dataCols As Long
Dim datesRng As Range, dateRng As Range, valsRng As Range

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("expenses") '<== change it to your actual sheet name
    Set datesRng = .Range("AA2:AA" & .Cells(.rows.Count, "AA").End(xlUp).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) 'process rows as long as there's a "Transition Date"

    For Each dateRng In datesRng
        With .Range("K" & dateRng.Row)
            dataCols = WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Resize(, 3))
            Set valsRng = .Offset(, 3 - dataCols).Resize(, dataCols)
        End With

        colOffset = WorksheetFunction.Min(Month(dateRng), Month(Date)) - dataCols 'limit month offset to current one and set it back to the numbers of values
        If colOffset >= 0 Then
            .Range("N" & dateRng.Row).Offset(, colOffset).Resize(, dataCols).Value = valsRng.Value
            .Range("N" & dateRng.Row).Offset(, colOffset).Value = .Range("N" & dateRng.Row).Offset(, colOffset) - .Range("J" & dateRng.Row).Value
            'some K-L columns data would be overwritten!!
        End If

    Next dateRng
End With

End Sub