
I followed the steps here for enabling push notifications in my Xamarin iOS app:


In the "Create a provisioning profile for the app" section, step 4, there is no certificate shown, even though I just created one

Did you create a distribution certificate or development certificate? Is you created a distribution cert, you need to create a distribution provisioning profile. The other way around for development. That could be why you aren't seeing anything in the list.pnavk

1 Answers


In Step 4 you need to provide Apple Development Certificate. This is a certificate required by Apple to identify you as a Developer. Creation of this certificate is not explained in the tutorial link in the question. This is the first certificate to be created. Here is Xamarin's documentation on how to create Apple Development Certificate.

After creating this, certificate will appear in that tab You can verify the certificate by checking keychain. After you generate the certificate, and install it, it will appear in your keychain as below

enter image description here