I have saved the coefficients from a cox regression model (using the survival package) for 54 genetic variants. I have done this for 7 countries separately and now want to pool them together using the rma
function in the metafor
package. The cox regression went fine, and I am using the exp(coef) and the robust standard errors for the pooling. This is part of my script
HR.test <- c(1.0473445, 0.9463692, 0.8108665, 0.9981969, 0.9463692, 0.9858747, 0.9089416)
se.test <- c(0.06669897, 0.05569544, 0.1618536, 0.06813053, 0.05569544,
0.05663756, 0.08702840)
pool.test <- rma(HR.test, sei=se.test, method="FE")
The problem is, that the P values are impossibly small, especially considering that the confidence intervals go through 1, so the results are not significant. Is there something wrong with what I'm typing? I've used this package before to pool linear regression results and it worked fine. Is it different if you use hazard ratios (the values are the exponentials of the hazard ratios)?