I'm trying to use a dll, namely libcurl, with my program, but, it's not linking. Libcurl comes with .h files that I can include (takes care of dllimport), but then I guess I must specify which dll to actually use when linking somehow... How do I do that? I'm compiling with Borland C++ builder, but I really want to know how these things work in general...
EDIT: This is the code (straight c/p from curl homepage)
bool FTPGetFile::ConnectToFTP(string ftpServer){
CURL *curl;
CURLcode res;
curl = curl_easy_init();
if(curl) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "curl.haxx.se");
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
return true;
return false;
And here are the errors:
[Linker Error] Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_init' referenced from C:\PROJECTS\PC\TOOLBOX\DEBUG_BUILD\FTPGETFILE.OBJ [Linker Error] Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_setopt' referenced from C:\PROJECTS\PC\TOOLBOX\DEBUG_BUILD\FTPGETFILE.OBJ [Linker Error] Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_perform' referenced from C:\PROJECTS\PC\TOOLBOX\DEBUG_BUILD\FTPGETFILE.OBJ
EDIT 2: As per suggestion from joe_muc I have made the lib files with the implib tool and included them in the linker path. I still get the same errors.