I am using CocoR to generate a java-like scanner/parser:
I'm having some troubles in creating a EBNF expression to match a codeblock:
I'm assuming a code block is surrounded by two well-known tokens: <& and &> example:
public method(int a, int b) <&
various code
If I define a nonterminal symbol
codeblock = "<&" {ANY} "&>"
If the code inside the two symbols contains a '<' character the generated compiler will not handle it thus giving a syntax error.
Any hint?
nonZeroDigit = "123456789".
digit = '0' + nonZeroDigit .
letter = 'A' .. 'Z' + 'a' .. 'z' + '_' + '$'.
ident = letter { letter | digit }.
JavaLike = {ClassDeclaration}.
ClassDeclaration ="class" ident ["extends" ident] "{" {VarDeclaration} {MethodDeclaration }"}" .
MethodDeclaration ="public" Type ident "("ParamList")" CodeBlock.
Codeblock = "<&" {ANY} "&>".
I have omitted some productions for the sake of simplicity.
This is my actual implementation of the grammar. The main bug is that it fails if the code in the block contains one of the symbols '>' or '&'.