I recommend you revisit your Datasets/Queries and both reports to look for more efficient ways. From my understanding you should be able to get it in one report without a sub-report. You should be able to do it with tablix row groups.
But if you want to keep as is. In your Sub-Report go to tablix properties. Go to the Sorting Tab and add a Sorting Option. Click on expressions.
If the Number of Orders passed is always the same (4). You can try something like this:
=IIF((Split(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",")).GetValue(0) = Fields!OrderID.Value, 1,
IIF((Split(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",")).GetValue(1) = Fields!OrderID.Value, 2,
IIF((Split(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",")).GetValue(2) = Fields!OrderID.Value, 3,
IIF((Split(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",")).GetValue(3) = Fields!OrderID.Value, 4,
If the Number of Orders passed can change (I assume it is) then you can modify the above to check that when SPLIT the string will have a value at nth position every time for X amount of times:
=IIF((Split(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",")).GetValue(0) = Fields!OrderID.Value, 1,
IIF(IIF((Split(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",")).Length > 1,
SPLIT(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",").Length > 1,
Parameters!OrderID.Value, "1,2")
, ",").GetValue(1), "0") = Fields!OrderID.Value, 2,
IIF(IIF((Split(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",")).Length > X,
SPLIT(Parameters!OrderID.Value, ",").Length > X,
Parameters!OrderID.Value, "1,2,...,X")
, ",").GetValue(X), "0") = Fields!OrderID.Value, X+1,
Again.. I DON'T recommend this, but this will return the sub report in the order they were passed in the Comma-Delimited string.