
I've seen the mosquitto_pub -h [server] -r -n -t [XYZ] syntax for clearing out one off messages. My problem is the device developers have posted a lot of garbage messages.

I have a Java/Paho code base that I'd like to modify to do this automatically as needed, but I can't seem to publish a zero byte message. I tried


...but that didn't seem to work.

Any suggestions on how to delete everything, en mass?

This might help: mosquitto_sub -t '#' --remove-retained --retained-only. See also: mosquitto.org/man/mosquitto_sub-1.htmlrel

7 Answers


There are 2 options for this using the paho client code depending on which of the 2 publish methods you use.

MqttMessage msg = new MqttMessage(new byte[0]);
client.publish(topic, msg);


client.publish(topic, new byte[0],0,true);

The other option would be to stop mosquitto and delete the persistence file and restart


Here is how to do it properly with a shell script.

echo "cleaning " $1 " :: usage: cleanmqtt <host>"
mosquitto_sub -h $1 -t "#" -v --retained-only | while read line; do mosquitto_pub -h $1 -t "${line% *}" -r -n; done

Just put it in a file called somthing like


Then run

sh finally_a_working_way_to_remove_all_those_annoying_messages.sh localhost

This solution is quite crude. You cant specify what to delete or anything. You may have to abort with ctrl-c after you can assume that it has received all the messages.


This should work:

client.publish(topic, new byte[]{}, 0, true);

Also, you may be interested in this script from Eclipse Paho Python, to clear a given topic hierarchy. You may want to implement a similar behavior in Java, but it looks like you may be looking for a one-off solution, so maybe just use the Python script :)


Since I don't have enough points to comment, running

echo "cleaning " $1 " :: usage: cleanmqtt <host>"
mosquitto_sub -h $1 -t "#" -v | while read line; do mosquitto_pub -h $1 -t "${line% *}" -r -n; done

could cause an infinite loop due to pub/sub delays. Adding --retained-only to mosquitto_sub seems to remove the infinite loop.


for powershell users

had this issue on windows, so here with powershell. Mosquitto needs to be installed on the command host.

get retained messages

I did not want to clear all retained messages. Example, only the ones containing "octo" in it's topic. Let's see what's there:

mosquitto_sub.exe -h <mqtt host> -v -u <mqtt user> -P <mqtt password> -t '#' --retained-only|
Select-String octo

(replace mqtt host, user, password as needed)

delete retained messages

use the same search string here ( in this example "octo"):

mosquitto_sub.exe -h <mqtt host> -v -u <mqtt user> -P <mqtt password> -t '#' --retained-only|
Select-String octo |
Out-String -Stream|ForEach-Object -Process {$_.Split(" ")[0]}|
%{mosquitto_pub.exe -h <mqtt host> -u <mqtt user> -P <mqtt password> -t "$_" -r -n}

Again, replace all occurences of mqtt host, user, password.

Simply check again with step 1 if anything is left :)


If you are using the Mosquitto MQTT Broker, disable "Retained messages" using the official method, provided by Mosquitto

First find mosquitto.conf file

(In my Ubuntu/EC2 instance it is stored in /etc/mosquitto directory, I assume your mosquitto.conf file path is /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf)

Edit with your favorite text editor, mine is nano.

sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

and in that file replace "persistence false" in place of "persistence true"

persistence false

Now save file (if using nano press ctrl+o and then enter to save, ctrl+x to exit)

now restart mosquitto using below commands

sudo service mosquitto stop
sudo service mosquitto start

Note: If this config path does not exist in your case, find config file using this command-

sudo find / -name mosquitto.conf

enter image description here


I also don't have enough rep to add a simple comment. The bash script is great! The edge case I ran into is one where multiple spaces exist, such as a date stamp:

bob/was/here/time 2021-08-31 01:52:51

${line% *} only removes the time while including the date with the topic. Adding a second % to ${line%% *} makes the substitution greedy, ensuring that only the topic is returned.