My setup: Existing WCF service project modified to run as Azure Application Service (PaaS).
Originally I used log4net for my info/error logging, but it is rather cumbersome to look at those logs via FTP or SCM console. After some research I came to a conclusion that Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics is the recommended way to handle logging in Azure apps.
Question/problem: I can't find a guide, for my scenario, on how to enable WindowsAzure Diagnostics for Application Service that is NOT created as Web/Worker Role.
The closest I got is Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension cmdlet, but it requires Role as parameter...
You may want to check out custom solutions. See for an example.
– mert
Thanks, but using standard Diagnostics classes is preferable in my case.
– Andre
1 Answers
Question/problem: I can't find a guide, for my scenario, on how to enable WindowsAzure Diagnostics for Application Service that is NOT created as Web/Worker Role.
You can't use Azure Diagnostics for your Azure Application Service. It is meant for Azure Cloud Service (Web/Worker Role) and Azure Virtual Machines.
For App Services diagnostics, please see this link: