I'm trying to implement Push Notifications with Ionic and I'm pretty confused. Until now, I've tried the following alternatives with no success:
Ionic Push
Seems to be the best solution. It "simulates" the notifications in browser making easy test. There are two versions:
Version 1.0: the docs are avaiable at http://docs.ionic.io/v1.0/docs/push-overview. The page displays an warning at the bottom saying to check the latest version (2.0beta). If I keep in the page and try to follow the instructions, everything seems to work fine, but if I send the push to https://push.ionic.io/api/v1/push no message arrives. Looking at firebug I found that $ionicPush is querying the 2.0alpha API instead of query the 1.0 API.
Version 2.0: the docs are avaiable at http://docs.ionic.io/docs/push-overview. It is very similar to 1.0 and it works fine in browser, Android (development and production) and iOS development enviroments. But, I can't get messages on IOS production (after publish the app to store). I searched hard for a solution, but I found some answers saying that it is alpha and should not be used.
So, if version 1.0 does not exists (it is using the v2.0 API) and v2.0 is alpha and should not be used, I concluded Ionic Push can't be used.
Question 1: is possible use ionic push to send notifications to iOS and Android?
Question 2: using the 2.0 setup, can I send messages with Apns PHP instead of Ionic Push ?
Cordova Phonegap Plugin Push
This plugin is used by Ionic Push behind the scenes I guess. But, I can't figure out how use it. The tutorials and docs I found are obsolete and references an deprecated version (https://github.com/phonegap-build/PushPlugin.git). Even ngCordova references this deprecated version (http://ngcordova.com/docs/plugins/pushNotifications/). ngCordova suggests Ionic Push also. I can't find an full example showing how to use https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-push with ionic.
Question 3: how setup Cordova Phonegap Plugin Push with ionic?