HMAC SHA256 hash generated changes when variable is used in the hashing function than using the literal.
I have to concatenate 4 parameters to generate a message string that is hashed using secret key. The concatenated message string generates a different hash than using the value of message as a literal.
require 'base64'
require 'openssl'
securityKey = 'A93reRTUJHsCuQSHR+L3GxqOJyDmQpCgps102ciuabc='
content = 'hello'
id = '1000000855'
tsp = '1460852115'
guid = '75c6016eaa1e43b4807ba25232797714'
contentmd5 = Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.digest(content))
inputString = id + tsp + guid + contentmd5
puts inputString
#Input String is
digest ='sha256')
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, securityKey, inputString)
securityToken = Base64.encode64(hmac)
puts securityToken
#Hash generated is 7ihOEZNeoJMwjLt84I8WfN5b0VwgYNOg8abPA3nZ0SM=
digest ='sha256')
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, securityKey, '1000000855146085211575c6016eaa1e43b4807ba25232797714XUFAKrxLKna5cZ2REBfFkg==')
securityToken = Base64.encode64(hmac)
puts securityToken
#Hash generated is gPNytNGMbhg8b27rklqmEK/9xjNAcOq+7nldzyDL4g0=