
I have code that loops through a dictionary. the value for each key in the dictionary is a 2-item array (dictionary looks like name: [string, integer]). when I reference the dictionary later on, I can see and print the string and integer in the array belonging to the dictionary entry, but I can't change the integer through a normal assignment like dictionary(name)(2) = 5; after doing so in the code, I print the array value to a debug file, and the array value is the original value, not its changed value. I have no idea why this doesn't work, and how I can get it to work. everything I've read on arrays says you just assign array(0) = something.

here is part of the code below:

defining the original dictionary:

dim Dict as Object
Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

for i = 1 to 10
    strnum = "str"&i
    Dict.Add strnum, array("str"&i+1,0) 
'printing each item in dict returns "Str1: [str2,0]", etc. as it should

working with the dictionary:

For each Cell in Range("a1:a11")
    If Cell.Value <> "" And Dict.exists(Cell.Value) Then
        name = Cell.Value
        range = Dict(name)(0)
        If Dict(name)(1) = 1 Then
        'we have already located the name here
            Dict(name)(1) = 1
            s = "Setting the found flag to " & Dict(name)(1)
            debug.print s
            'Dict(name)(1) returns 0 when it should return 1
        end if
    end if
next cell

Range a1:a11 is Str1,Str2,Str3,Str4,Str5...Str11.

What can I do to fix this?

The code snippet has numerous errors. (for example -- no Set before CreateObject and using Add in the loop like that will cause a key already associated with value error). Please post code that actually works and reliably reproduces the problem.John Coleman
Updated the code. It should work (or not work) as specified now.Metalgearmaycry
But String is not a valid VBA variable nameJohn Coleman
I'm just trying to generalize variable names to protect the innocent lol. let me cook up something else :). Edit: and done.Metalgearmaycry

1 Answers


You are creating some weird aliasing with

for i = 1 to 10
    Str = "str"&i
    arr(1) = "str"&i+1
    arr(2) = 0
    Dict.Add Str, arr

since you only created a single array when you dimensioned arr.

You could create a dictionary of dictionaries to do what you wanted:

Sub test()

Dim Dict As Object, Str, i, arr
Set Dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

For i = 1 To 10
    Set arr = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    arr.Add 1, "str" & i + 1
    arr.Add 2, 0
    Str = "str" & i
    Dict.Add Str, arr

For i = 1 To 10
    Debug.Print (Dict("str" & i)(1))
Next i

Dict("str1")(1) = "Bob"
Debug.Print Dict("str1")(1) 'prints Bob

End Sub