I am using Lua script for reading contents of a hashkey in redis store. My code is below:
local key = KEYS[1]
-- Check if the user account exists
local accnt = redis.call('hgetall', key);
if next(accnt) == nil then return 404 end
return accnt;
When I run this program, I get the results correctly as below.
[2016-04-17 19:27:07.807] [DEBUG] AuthServer - Loading script ./scripts/debit_script.lua to redis...
[ 'id',
'null' ]
But when I try to return a single value from the above lua table (say accnt['id'], or accnt.id I get null. Here is the new version of program that accesses a single entry in table by key, but fails.
local key = KEYS[1]
-- Check if the user account exists
local accnt = redis.call('hgetall', key);
if next(accnt) == nil then return 404 end
return accnt['id'];
I heard that lua table is an associative array of key:value pairs. So, my code for accessing an entry in the table seems to be correct. Isn't it?
What am I doing wrong here, and how do I access a single key correctly?
** EDIT ** In order to find the type of "accnt", I modified my code to return as
return type(accnt)
the result is as below:
[2016-04-17 20:42:02.229] [DEBUG] AuthServer - Loading script ./scripts/debit_script.lua to redis...
debit result: table
So, I am wondering if lua returns a regular array or a table, when we query redis hash. Thankx for anyone pointing me at a right solution.
is actually a regular array. – vaultah