I have been reading and trying to understand how does Spark framework use its cores in Standalone mode. According to Spark documentation, the parameter "spark.task.cpus"'s value is set to be 1 by default, which means number of cores to allocate for each task.
Question 1: For a multi-core machine (e.g., 4 cores in total, 8 hardware threads), when "spark.task.cpus = 4", will Spark use 4 cores (1 thread per core) or 2 cores with hyper-thread?
What will it happen if I set "spark.task.cpus = 16", more than the number of available hardware threads on this machine?
Question 2: How is this type of hardware parallelism achieved? I tried to look into the code but couldn't find anything that communicates with the hardware or JVM for core-level parallelism. For example, if the task is "filter" function, how is a single filter task spitted to multiple cores or threads?
Maybe I am missing something. Is this related to the Scala language?