I'd like to do exactly what https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/zugaldia/cimteac7b00mrb8m7okkkol8d.html?title=true&access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoienVnYWxkaWEiLCJhIjoiY2ltNnI0YXM0MDA0YXR5bHgxOTU0N2h5YyJ9.kBUkyDqT5S1gJOsMIAdJSw#11/38.8993/-77.0146 is doing.
It seems to use the MapBox GL tileset and style to place text on the map. It even shows more text at a zoomed in level.
How do we do that?
Can you point to a detailed example or video that shows the steps for loading the tileset (maybe from a GeoJSON file, etc)
It is really nice that we can do so much without javascript at all :)
This makes it easier for Android and iOS etc.
Notice the text for the School names:
Then when you zoom in, you see the text for the crime: