I have 2 qml files. Toolbarbutton.qml creates a button and DockWidget.qml creates a ListView. I am trying to have the button in Toolbarbutton broadcast to DockWidget that the button has been clicked. I then want to add items to my listView.
I have been trying to use a signal to establish the communication. In the Toolbarbutton.qml, I have a Rectangle item with an ID of saveButton. Under this Rectangle Item I added a signal called addSaveHistory(). I have shortened the code so its easier to see what I am doing.
Rectangle {
id: saveButton
width: 50
height: 30
border.color: "white"
color: buttonMouseArea.containsMouse ? "grey" : "black"
//Button text
id: buttonLabel
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Save +"
color: "white"
signal addSaveHistory(string url)
id: buttonMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent //anchor the mousearea to the rect area
//onClicked handles valid mouse button clicks
onClicked: {
addSaveHistory("Hello?") //dispatch the event
In the DockWidget.qml file I have an Item that is using the Connections component. I have shorten the code so its easier to see what I am doing.
width: 100
height: 100
objectName: "Save + History"
Rectangle {
id: rect
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#323232"
Connections {
target: saveButton //id of rectangle in ToolbarButton.qml
onAddSaveHistory: {
// this is never called
I can't seem to figure out why the onAddSaveHistory is never called. I have also tried using a Loader component to load the Dockwidget.qml file into Toolbarbutton.qml and then specifically call a function in Dockwidget, but that doesn't work as well.
Do I just have the wrong idea of how the signals should work? I would greatly appreciation any guidance.
Here is my main.qml file.
import QtQuick 2.2
import Painter 1.0
import "save.js" as Save
Plugin {
//executed at startup
//add toolbar
alg.ui.addToolBarWidget("ToolbarButton.qml")//add a button to toolbar
alg.ui.addDockWidget("DockWidget.qml")//add dock widget
Save.log("Incremental Save Plugin has been created")