
I want to use the TFS Build server. I want the build server to build related projects, publish and deploy to other servers.

I have set up the server and build agent. It is time to define build definitions. But I have a problem here.

We use VS 2015 and we have a big solution. It includes many dll projects, web sites and a WCF project.

I want to define build definitions for each web sites seperatly. for example when I run build definition A, it should only publish website A. And I do not want to build the whole solution to publish website A. Only necessary projects should be built.

How can I do this ?

Thanks for your help.

Are you using vNext build or Xaml based build?Angshuman
ok instead of specifying the .sln file try to specify the csproj file, but you will need to change a lot in the Msbuild command.Angshuman
can you give example or source ?Çağatay
Give me some time. I might be wrong here.Angshuman

1 Answers


i have finally found a solution.

  • Firstly, i added VisualStudioBuild Task,
  • set Solution Path variable to the .csproj file that i wanted to build and publish,
  • set Repository and cloak unnecessary projects,
  • set MSBuild Arguments as;

    /p:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site/xxx" 

The important argument is OutPutPath here. If you do not give this property and try to build a csproj, msbuild throws exception.