
I have a table (named Responses) with a field named q01 which contains numbers from 1 to 5. All entries contain valid numbers.

I created a query named query11 which counts the number of entries in Responses with a number 1 in q01. (Two columns in the query. First has Field: q01, Table: Responses, Total:Expression, Criteria: 1, Show is unchecked. Second has Field: Count_1_1:q01, Table:Responses, Total:Count, show is checked.) This shows the correct count when the query is run.

I created a report named rpt_General which contains a text box (named txtQuery1-1) with the control source =[query11]![Count_1_1]

Any time this is run it displays #Name? in the text box. I have done some research and seen a number of references to the name of the text box being duplicated elsewhere, but I have changed it numerous times, deleted and recreated the report, and still cannot get it to display correctly.

Is query11 included in the report's Record Source? If not, try this as the text box's Control Source: =Dlookup("[Count_1_1]", "query11")HansUp
You don't need a query as far as im aware... =dcount("*", "[Responses]","q01=1")LiamH
Both of these were great. I had forgotten to include the query in the record source, and I also simplified it by doing away with the query and using DCount. Thanks to both of you!Silroc

1 Answers


Thanks to both HansUp and LiamH, I was able to get this working by substituting this as the text box's Control Source.


Also, I had not added query11 into the report's record source.