
I have an issue that I'm not sure how to overcome. I need to filter a my groups in crystal reports based on a field within the group. Not only that I need it to filter the groups based on if there are two different values in this field within the same group. For example, say I have a table of issues and votes for a council. There is one entry per vote on an issue containing the issue name and the vote cast (either yes, no, or abstain). I will group the table by issue name and I want to filter the groups to show only the issues with a vote split between yes and no (i.e. no abstains and not unanimous). How do I go about doing this?

you need to create 2 formulas with if else conditions and place both in details or footers as per your requirementSiva
You should post the code that you've tried already as part of your question's body.ManoDestra

1 Answers


The data you're feeding into the top-level of the grouping needs to be pre-aggregated so as to show which Votes have multiple different responses. You'd need to do this in whatever your back-end data source is. If I were to do it in SQL, e.g., given the tables:

create table dbo.Issues (
IssueID int identity(1,1) not null ,
constraint pkc_Issues primary key clustered ( IssueID ) ,
IssueText varchar(1000) )

--Note - not putting anything unique on VoterName because there may be 2 Joe Blows in the voter population.
create table dbo.Voters (
VoterID int identity(1,1) not null ,
constraint pkc_Voters primary key clustered ( VoterID ) ,
VoterName varchar(512) not null ) )

create table dbo.Votes (
VoteID int identity(1,1) not null ,
constraint pkn_Votes primary key nonclustered ( VoteID ) ,
VoterID int not null ,
constraint fk_VoterID@Votes foreign key ( VoterID ) references dbo.Voters ( VoterID ) ,
IssueID int not null ,
constraint fk_IssueID@Votes foreign key ( IssueID ) references dbo.Issues ( IssueID ) ,
constraint uci_IssueID_VoterID@Votes unique clustered ( IssueID , VoterID ) ,
VoteResponse varchar(16) null )

I'd pull the data using multiple steps (but feel free to do subqueries, if you think that's more understandable):

select IssueID , Count(VoteResponse) as ResponseCount
into #hasMultiple from (select distinct IssueID , VoteResponse from Votes)

I'd then join back to that, to feed to Crystal:

select dbo.Issues.IssueID ,
dbo.Issues.IssueText ,
cast(case when #hasMultiple.ResponseCount > 1 then 1 else 0 end as bit) as HasMultiple ,
dbo.Votes.VoteID ,
dbo.Votes.VoterID ,
dbo.Votes.VoteResponse ,
from dbo.Issues
inner join dbo.Votes
on dbo.Issues.IssueID = dbo.Votes.IssueID
left join dbo.Voters
on dbo.Votes.VoterID = dbo.Voters.VoterID
left join #hasMultiple
on dbo.Issues.IssueID = #hasMultiple.IssueID