
I am using WSO2 ESB, DSS and MB. now I am trying to install these products as windows Service by using below URL https://docs.wso2.com/display/Carbon420/Installing+as+a+Windows+Service I am able to successfully install those 3 products as windows Service. but when I start those services, only first one is starting and the other services getting error "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion." & "A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the WSO2 CarbonDSS service to connect."

if I start ESB first, I am able to start the service. but DSS not able to start. getting the above error. The other way, if I start DSS first, I am able to start the service. but ESB not able to start. getting the above error.

Can you please assist?

Thanks, Vinoth


2 Answers


I use 2 WSO2 ESB installed as a windows service on the same machine.

In wrapper.conf, only those values are different :

  • wrapper.ntservice.name=WSO2CARBON_Env1
  • wrapper.ntservice.displayname=WSO2CARBON Env1
  • wrapper.ntservice.description=Carbon Kernel Env1

I am able to run multiple wso2 products as windows service now. Actually we have to set unique port or each instance of wso2 products in wrapper.conf file.

"wrapper.tray.port = 15002 (Port Number)"

Thanks, Vinoth