
I'm trying to assign macros to hyperlinks I have set up in excel. I have the hyperlinks linking back to the same cell that contains the hyperlink. Based on code examples I've found I've come up with this code block:

Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)

Select Case Target.Range.Address

Case "$B$3"
     MsgBox ("Test")
Case "$Z$3"
     MsgBox ("Test")
Case Else
    Exit Sub
End Select

End Sub

Nothing is happening when I click either hyperlink. I have tried running Application.EnableEvents = True as well and still can't get anything to fire. Also, I have verified the code block is set in the correct worksheet module. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

EDIT: Here is a screencap of the hyperlink dialog as an example for the hyperlinks I have set up:


I have tried both "Z3" and $Z$3 for the address (both ways direct me to the cell properly, it just doesn't fire the macro.)

have you tried to use Target.SubAddress?Dirk Reichel
Just tried it. Macro still doesn't run.SincereApathy
if there is just a Debug.Print "OK" did it trigger?Dirk Reichel
just Debug.Print "Ok" doesn't do anything, but if I put only MsgBox ("Test") in the Worksheet_FollowHyperlink event it does work. Also, if I put a call to one of my macros it will trigger. However, I need to be able to call different macros based on different hyperlinks. I tried If statements instead of a Select Case and it doesn't worth that way either.SincereApathy
what does MsgBox ("Target.SubAddress") tell you? Or what does MsgBox ("Target.Range.Address") show you?Dirk Reichel

1 Answers


Your code works if the code is in the worksheet code area

Right-click the tab at the bottom and:

enter image description here