Hi I am writing a simple yacc program that takes a program code and counts how many assign statements there are.
For example, for the following code snippet:
void main() {
int a = 3;
int bb = 10;
I'd like my yacc to print out that there are 2 assign sentences. Since I am a beginner, I found a sample code from Oreily's book online and modified the code.
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 int assign = 0;
4 %}
6 %token NAME NUMBER
7 %start statement
8 %%
9 statement: NAME '=' expression ';' {assign++;}
11 ;
12 | expression { printf("= %d\n", $1); }
13 ;
14 expression: expression '+' NUMBER { $$ = $1 + $3;
15 printf ("Recognized '+' expression.\n");
16 }
17 | expression '-' NUMBER { $$ = $1 - $3;
18 printf ("Recognized '-' expression.\n");
19 }
20 | NUMBER { $$ = $1;
21 printf ("Recognized a number.\n");
22 }
23 ;
24 %%
25 int main (void) {
26 yyparse();
27 printf("assign =%d", assign);
28 }
30 /* Added because panther doesn't have liby.a installed. */
31 int yyerror (char *msg) {
32 return fprintf (stderr, "YACC: %s\n", msg);
33 }
1 %{
2 #include "y.tab.h"
3 extern int yylval;
4 %}
6 %%
7 [0-9]+ { yylval = atoi (yytext);
8 printf ("scanned the number %d\n", yylval);
9 return NUMBER; }
10 [ \t] { printf ("skipped whitespace\n"); }
11 \n { printf ("reached end of line\n");
12 return 0;
13 }
14 [a-zA-Z]+ {printf("found name"); return NAME;}
15 . { printf ("found other data \"%s\"\n", yytext);
16 return yytext[0];
17 /* so yacc can see things like '+', '-', and '=' */
18 }
19 %%
20 int yywrap(){
21 return 1;
22 }
a = 3;
b = 3;
When I build the code, I get a.out. When I run ./a.out < test.txt, the output shows that the there is one assign. IT seems like it only recognized the first sentence.
How do I make it so that the program keeps looking for the matches after the first match?
Also, why is there semi-colon in line 11 and 13 in yacc.y? Since it's all connected by '|', I don't understand why ; is placed there.