i have a problem when trying to update another user photo either by using
graph api : "graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/Users/usermail/photo/$value" or Outlook REST API:"outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/users('usermail')/photo/$value" or Microsoft Graph SDK : "github.com/microsoftgraph"
the API returns a 403 error (forbidden) even though the App I'm using has full permissions to the Graph API.
Microsoft Graph Sdk returns when trying to set another user photo "ErrorAccessDenied Message: Access is denied. Check credentials and try again."
i can only update picture of signed in user if i use user mail & password to get valid access token
if i get the valid access token using client id and secret key i can't update any user photo
so can i update another user photo using graph api ? am i missing any permission required for the app?