I am developing a JavaFX app in which I want to show a WebView and a Nokia Here Maps. I want to implement a navigation system using GPS coordenates I have and the turn-by-turn routing that Nokia Here Maps javascript api provides. My problem is when I am trying to plot the route in the map using webview. The route, the turn-by-turn instructions appear, but not the map. Instead, the route is plotted on a grey image. I have tried to show this url link but again, I can see everything but the map. Looks like for some reason, webview does not finish to load the map properly so it shows the grey image.
What do you guys thinks is wrong?
Example of what I can see on my app using webview and the web address mentioned before :
private static final String WEB_INDEX = "https://developer.here.com/api-explorer/maps-js/servicesRouting/map-with-route-from-a-to-b";
private WebView webBrowser;
private WebEngine engine;
engine = webBrowser.getEngine();
I've tried the example on their web as well as my Own, using my API Key. Same result.