I have a dataset of this general format:
Origin Facility Destination 5-digit-zipcode - There is one row for each possible origin/destination pair "Preference Metric" for that origin/destination pair - the higher, the better
What I want to be able to do in Tableau is create a calculated field that yields a binary result depending upon if the "Preference Metric" for that entry is the maximum metric associated with that destination 5-digit-zipcode.
This binary flag would be dependent upon the current filtering of origin facilities, so if I filter to only 2 origin facilities then the binary flag will find the maximum preference metric between these two origin facilities. if I filter to 35 origin facilities, then the binary flag will find hte maximum preference metric between these 35 origin facilities.
The idea being that I can then use this binary flag as a filtering mechanism then color a filled map based upon the origin facility.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.