
I want to integrate Google Ads in my app, but I am stuck when it's time to load the request and get the Ad.

What I need is to pass targeting parameters to load an Ad related to my user's search.

I'm trying to load a SearchRequest for displaying a SearchBannerView, but no method seems to match my needs. The LoadRequest methods of the SearchBannerView do not accept SearchRequest. They only accept Request and no cast exists between those two classes.

However, the original Google docs says it's possible: https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/search-ads-for-apps/ios/

Here is my code:

this.banner = new SearchBannerView(AdSizeCons.Banner, new CGPoint(0, 0));
this.banner.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
this.banner.AdSize = AdSizeCons.Banner;
this.banner.AdUnitID = this.AdService.AdMobUnitId;
this.banner.AdReceived += this.AdReceived;
this.banner.RootViewController = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController;

var request = new SearchRequest();
request.Query = ((GoogleAdViewModel)this.DataContext).Query;

// my request isn't accepted

Has anyone succeed to make SearchBannerView load something using the Google Ads component from Xamarin?

It's for an iOS app and I'm using this component: https://components.xamarin.com/view/googleiosmobileads.


1 Answers


This question was answered here.

It was an issue in the binding library, the type SearchRequest had a wrong base type (NSObject instead of GADRequest).