I have an Outlook Macro that saves attachments based on a search of an e-mail inbox. The Aggregation File is then opened, then a loop opens the first of the saved attachments and copies the "AggregateThis" named range. What I need to achieve is: 1). Activate the Aggregation File 2). Activate the Row where the result of the search for "END" is located 3). Insert the copied cells above end
The Outlook Object model is giving me trouble, this would be a total cinch in Excel VBA. Your help would mean so much!
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xlApp
.Visible = True
.EnableEvents = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Workbooks.Open ("J:\Retail Finance\Varicent\General Teamshare Resources\Acting Mgr Assignment Bonus Aggregation.xlsx")
Dim x As Variant
i = -1
For Each x In AttachNames
Dim wb As Object
i = i + 1
Set wb = .Workbooks.Open("J:\Retail Finance\Varicent\General Teamshare Resources\Teamshare AAA\" & AttachNames(i))
Set wb = .Worksheets("Additional Assignment Bonus FRM")
'Copies the "Aggregate This" named range from the Individual File (i)
With wb.Range("AggregateThis")
End With
'Switches focus to Aggregation File
Set wb = .Workbooks("J:\Retail Finance\Varicent\General Teamshare Resources\Acting Mgr Assignment Bonus Aggregation.xlsx")
With wb
.Activate '#1). I want to put focus on this file it throws an error
End With
'Find EndRow in the Aggregation File
Set wb = .Worksheets("Additional Assignment Bonus FRM").Cells.Find("End")
With wb
.ActivateRow '#2).This throws an error
.PasteSpecialInsertRows '#3). This doesnt work
End With