I'm trying to import a CSV file into Neo4j (Community Edition V 2.3.2). The CSV is structured like this:
123456,"title 1",10,20160407
123457,"title 2",11,20160405
The CSV path is set within the Neo4j properties file.
When I use the following import statement
'file:///test.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Title_Node { title: line[1], identifier: toInt(line[0]), value: line[3]})
I receive the following error message:
WARNING: Expected 1 to be a java.lang.String, but it was a java.lang.Long
When I just query the test.csv file with
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///test.csv'
AS line
RETURN line.title, line.id, line.value;
Cypher can access the data without any problem.
| line.title | line.id | line.value |
| "title 1" | "123456" | "10" |
| "title 2" | "123457" | "11" |
The effect occurs in the browser as well as in the shell.
I found the following question at Having `Neo.ClientError.Statement.InvalidType` in Neo4j and tried the hints mentioned in the Neo4j Link posted in this answer, but with little success. The CSV file itself seems to be ok by structure (UTF8, no hidden entries etc.).
Every help in solving this is greatly appreciated.