I'm using Orchard 1.9.3 and followed some tutorials on how to create a custom normal Element in Orchard. I couldn't find any specifically on creating container elements so I dug around a bit in the source and this is what I have so far:
public class Procedure : Container
public override string Category
get { return "Content"; }
public override string ToolboxIcon
get { return "\uf0cb"; }
public override LocalizedString Description
get { return T("A collection of steps."); }
public override bool HasEditor
get { return false; }
public class ProcedureElementDriver : ElementDriver<Procedure> {}
public class ProcedureModelMap : LayoutModelMapBase<Procedure> {}
@using Orchard.Layouts.ViewModels;
<div class="layout-element-wrapper" ng-class="{'layout-container-empty': getShowChildrenPlaceholder()}">
<ul class="layout-panel layout-panel-main">
<li class="layout-panel-item layout-panel-label">Procedure</li>
@Display(New.LayoutEditor_Template_Properties(ElementTypeName: "procedure"))
<li class="layout-panel-item layout-panel-action" title="@T("Delete {{element.contentTypeLabel.toLowerCase()}} (Del)")" ng-click="delete(element)"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></li>
<li class="layout-panel-item layout-panel-action" title="@T("Move {{element.contentTypeLabel.toLowerCase()}} up (Ctrl+Up)")" ng-click="element.moveUp()" ng-class="{disabled: !element.canMoveUp()}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></li>
<li class="layout-panel-item layout-panel-action" title="@T("Move {{element.contentTypeLabel.toLowerCase()}} down (Ctrl+Down)")" ng-click="element.moveDown()" ng-class="{disabled: !element.canMoveDown()}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></li>
<div class="layout-container-children-placeholder">
@T("Drag a steps here.")
All of this is more or less copied from the Row element. I now have a Procedure
element that I can drag from the Toolbox onto my Layout but it is not being rendered with my template, even though I can override the templates for the other layout elements this way, and I still can't drag any children into it. I had hoped that simply inheriting from Container
would have made that possible.
I essentially just want to make a more restrictive Row and Column pair to apply some custom styling to a list of arbitrary content. How can I tell Orchard that a Procedure can only be contained in a Column and that it should accept Steps
(or some other element) as children?