I am trying to use the messages service in the Bluemix Services Push REST API to send a push notification to users who are subscribed to previously created tags. The problem is that when I send a notification to multiple tags, if a user is registered to more than one of those tags he is receiving the same notification multiple times.
The API says this:
tagNames (Array[string], optional): Send notification to the devices that have subscribed to any of these tags
So I understand that the user should only receive one notification, instead of what is happening.
My call looks like this:
"message": {
"alert": "Text notification",
"target": {
"tagNames": ["TAG1","TAG2","TAG3","TAG4","TAG5","TAG6","TAG7"]
"settings": {
"apns": {
"badge": 1,
"sound": "UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName"