I have a problem with extending templates of my Bundle. Here's the situation: I have my own Bundle in vendors. In my project i use this Bundle, and I wan't to extend some templates ( let's say: /vendor/company/my-bundle/src/Company/MyBundle/Resources/views/Module/index.html.twig). I want to change one block and leave others unchanged. Here's what I did: I created overriding template in the app/Resources/CompanyMyBundle/views/Module/index.html.twig and I extended vendor template: {% extends "CompanyMyBundle:Module:index.html.twig" %}
Problem is that in return I get a "ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" error. The template from app overrides vendor and the "CompanyMyBundle:Module:index.html.twig" part refers to the app template, and not the vendor one - so it extends itself. Is there a way, to fix that problem without extending controller and overriding template name in the vendor controller?