
I'm using Dropwizard (1.0.0) and Liquibase to create a database if it's not existing.

Problem here is that I'm using a different Postgres schema (not public). It seems like Liquibase is not able to create this schema before is it? I was expecting Liquibase to generate this schema, but it always throws a "Schema with name xx not found" if I try to build the database.

Liquibase does not create anything without you telling it to do so. You need to include a create schema in your change loga_horse_with_no_name
I've actually created a dump before using liquibase (with --schema xx) and was expecting it to recreate the schema/whole db. seems like it doesn't do itChristian
Again: Liquibase only runs statements that result from the definition in your change log. It won't do any magic or guess what objects you are missing. It is nothing more then a structured way of writing a SQL statement. It knows nothing about your dumpa_horse_with_no_name
Yeah I got that. But I was wondering why liquibase dump doesn't dump schema and database but only the tables.. Doesn't make sense in my eyesChristian
Also, with using multiple schema in PostgreSQL, it is a preferred scenario, when each of your your app has a separate user, which own its (possibly only) schema(s), but cannot access any of the others. In this setup, these users usually doesn't have the right to even create schemas (and also, because they're are not superusers, they cannot create extensions either). This scenario f.ex. cannot be created with that user, and because in PostgreSQL you cannot switch users within a connection, it is preferable to "set things up" first, i.e. create the schema, extensions, etc. before liquibase runs.pozs

3 Answers


Even though Liquibase does not have CREATE SCHEMA in its bundled changes/refactorings (and therefore doesn't generate one during a dropwizard db dump), you could still include this as a changeset in your migrations changelog using the sql tag, as follows:

<changeSet author="christian" id="1">
    <sql dbms="postgresql" endDelimiter=";">
        CREATE SCHEMA foo

Note that Liquibase will create it's own tables in the PUBLIC schema, regardless - before applying any changesets:
If you run db migrate --dry-run in dropwizard, you'll see that Liquibase would first execute


before running


Not directly in answer to the question, but posting it for anyone who ran into the error I did, with creating tables in multiple schemas. I was getting an error executing this from maven with the defaultSchemaName configuration.

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:3.6.2:update (default-cli) on project demo: Error setting up or running Liquibase: ERROR: relation "databasechangelog" already exists [Failed SQL: CREATE TABLE databasechangelog (ID VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, AUTHOR VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FILENAME VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, DATEEXECUTED TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL, ORDEREXECUTED INTEGER NOT NULL, EXECTYPE VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, MD5SUM VARCHAR(35), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255), COMMENTS VARCHAR(255), TAG VARCHAR(255), LIQUIBASE VARCHAR(20), CONTEXTS VARCHAR(255), LABELS VARCHAR(255), DEPLOYMENT_ID VARCHAR(10))] -> [Help 1]

I tried to fix it by adding the following configurations to pom.xml, but that was only a partial solution:


Finally, I got this fixed by adding foo to the end of my connection string also, like this jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=foo


Apart from the fact that you are using Dropwizard then the Spring Boot Pre-Liquibase module does what you are asking.

There's a chicken-and-egg problem with Liquibase in the sense that it cannot be used to configure its own prerequisite, for example a schema. This is the problem which Pre-Liquibase solves. It executes some SQL prior to Pre-Liquibase itself.

Sometimes you'll want to host multiple instances on of an application on the same database host. Then you'll want to separate them by schema. This is but one possible use-case for Pre-Liquibase.

Pre-Liquibase is meant for Spring so it will not work out-of-the-box for your Dropwizard scenario. But feel free to steal ideas.

(full disclosure: I'm the author of Pre-Libuibase)