I am trying to utilize angularFire in my app, I followed this guide (https://www.firebase.com/tutorial/#tutorial/angular/0), and I even tried generator-angularfire, however both times, initially I get :
- angular.js:12330 ReferenceError: FireBase is not defined
I'm using this code in my AngularJS App.js :
var macApp = angular.module('macApp', ['firebase']);
macApp.controller('ProdutosCtrl', ['$scope', '$firebaseArray', function ($scope, $firebaseArray) {
var meusProdutos = new FireBase("https://blistering-torch-5296.firebaseio.com/produtos/");
$scope.produtos = $firebaseArray(meusProdutos);
I added these references to firebase and angularfire in my Index.html:
Obs: I also try other versions too.
How do I resolve this issue ?
. – Frank van Puffelen