
I have to compare two json response as successful response in JMETER.

For example either I will get a response with values,

        "id": 423082,
         "createdBy": 10000,
         "createdOn": "03/11/2016 12:04 PM"
         "id": 423083,
         "createdBy": 10001,
         "createdOn": "06/11/2016 12:04 PM"

OR I will get an empty json []

Both are successful results for me.

How can I compare these results in Response Assertion or JSON Path Extractor as successful results.

improve formattingPaweł Mikołajczuk
how precise you want to be in the case the data is returned? Because simplest solution would be something like \[(\{.*\})*\] - checks whether it's a JSON array with 0 or more objects inside. But it can be as fancy as checking whether date is valid and so on...Kiril S.

1 Answers


enter image description hereCreate one regular expression extractor with regex \[(.*?)\]and give some variable name like checkpoint now apply a response assertion and pass ${checkpoint_g0}, so that if your response does not have any value than also it'll check for [] empty json otherwise it'll compare whole response