I would like to use a SourceQueue to push elements dynamically into an Akka Stream source.
Play controller needs a Source to be able to stream a result using the chuncked
As Play uses its own Akka Stream Sink under the hood, I can't materialize the source queue myself using a Sink because the source would be consumed before it's used by the chunked
method (except if I use the following hack).
I'm able to make it work if I pre-materialize the source queue using a reactive-streams publisher, but it's a kind of 'dirty hack' :
def sourceQueueAction = Action{
val (queue, pub) = Source.queue[String](10, OverflowStrategy.fail).toMat(Sink.asPublisher(false))(Keep.both).run()
//stupid example to push elements dynamically
val tick = Source.tick(0 second, 1 second, "tick")
tick.runForeach(t => queue.offer(t))
Is there a simpler way to use an Akka Streams SourceQueue with PlayFramework?