Having a few issues in customizing a WordPress categories list and would appreciate any examples of how I can achieve the following:
I have created a WordPress categories list that shows the count for all categories. However, I am unable to show the count for show_option_all ie show the total number of posts for all categories combined in the same way that all the other categories display the post count?
How can I add a separator between each category list item ie between each li?
If category list appears on a particular page, is their a way of giving a specific category within the list, an active state?
Please see existing code below:
$categories = wp_list_categories('title_li=&show_count=1&echo=0&child_of=18&show_option_all=ALL');
$categories = preg_replace('/<\/a> \(([0-9]+)\)/', ' <span class="count"><sup>\\1</sup></span></a>', $categories);
echo $categories;
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: Ended up using the code below which achieved the desired results:
$categories = wp_list_categories('title_li=&show_count=1&echo=0&child_of=18');
$categories = preg_replace('/<\/a> \(([0-9]+)\)/', '</a> <span class="count"><sup>\\1</sup></span></li><span class="separator">/</span>', $categories);
echo $categories;