
I want to implement retry functionality (when there is a problem in the consumer ) for 3 times and then the message should go to another queue ( dead letter exchange ). I have configured the queue / exchange as below

regular message exchange name: test_exchange message queue: test_queue test_queue bind to test_exchange with routing key test_queue

dead letter exchange name: test_dlq_exchange dead message queue: test_dlq_queue test_dlq_queue bind to test_dlq_exchange with routing key test_dlq_queue

In the RabbitMQ UI console , I have configured the "x-dead-letter-exchange" as "test_exchange"

Below is the code for SimpleMessageListenerContainer

    SimpleMessageListenerContainer getMessageListenerContainer(){
    SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();

    MessageListenerAdapter adapter = new MessageListenerAdapter();
     //configured my message listener class 
     //configured Jackson2JsonMessageConverter as converter
     container.setAdviceChain(new Advice[] {retryAdvice()}
     return container;

    //configuration for retryAdvice

     public MethodInterceptor retryAdvice{

        ExponentialBackOffPolicy backoffPolicy = new ExponentialBackOffPolicy();
        RabbitTemplate retryTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory());
        return RetryInterceptorBuilder
                       new RepublishMessageRecoverer

My custom message listener is Message driven POJO which has just my MessageObject.

Since I am using stateful, I have enabled the createMessageIds(true). In my message listener I am invoking the targetobject's method again. After starting the container, the flow is going cyclic

i.e Publish the message to queue -> Message listener invoke's the target method based on some exception -> again publishing the message to queue -> message listener invoke's target method...etc. It is not pushing the message to dead letter exchange/queue and going infinite loop.

In the log I see as below

      o.s.r.i.StatefulRetryOperationsInterceptor - Executing proxied method in stateful retry public abstract void org.springframework.amqp.rabbitlistener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer$ContainerDelegate.invokeListener(Channel,Message) throws java.lang.Exception(55435ee)

Can some one help me to fix this issue ?


1 Answers


Since you are using the RepublishMessageRecoverer, configuring a DLX/DLQ on the broker does nothing. In order to route to the DLQ, you need a RejectAndDontRequeueRecover - when the retries are exhausted the message will be sent to the DLX/DLQ.

It looks like you are republishing to the same queue


Hence the infinite loop.