I am using Magento 1.9.2 and I am facing static block cache problem. How this problem raises, is given below in steps. (As I am new to magento so please try to understand what I want to say, may be my words are different)
I have three pages with three categories Women, Men, Kids. On every category detail page I assigned two static blocks to show banners and offers relative to the category. If I open first time (lets say) women category page, it shows me all banners related to women category but when I open men or kids page it doesn't show me relative content instead it shows me women category. When I flush magento cache and reload the page it shows me right content but when I travel to other page it shows me again old or non related content.
I followed many articles to over ride this problem but failed, mainly I tried;
http://blog.gaiterjones.com/magento-1-9-2-0-ce-static-block-cache-bug/ (cache is important for me when following this link instructions)
Any help from SO!