I am attempting to create a traffic flow using either https or http
I am having issue with crafting ssl layer packets on dports outside of dport 443. I am also having issues crafting normal packets with Raw data on dport 443.
first packet i create has tcp dport=443 and when i use show2() the SSL layer appears
p = Ether()/IP(src="", dst='',flags="DF")/TCP(sport=12345, dport=443, flags="PA", ack=1111, seq=3222)/SSL(records=[TLSRecord()/TLSHandshake()])
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst= 00:26:52:ce:5f:49
src= 34:23:87:20:76:59
type= IPv4
###[ IP ]###
version= 4L
ihl= 5L
tos= 0x0
len= 49
id= 1
flags= DF
frag= 0L
ttl= 64
proto= tcp
chksum= 0x30bd
###[ TCP ]###
sport= 12345
dport= https
seq= 3222
ack= 1111
dataofs= 5L
reserved= 0L
flags= PA
window= 8192
chksum= 0x27d5
urgptr= 0
options= []
###[ SSL/TLS ]###
|###[ TLS Record ]###
| content_type= handshake
| version= TLS_1_0
| length= 0x4
|###[ TLS Handshake ]###
| type= client_hello
| length= 0x0
the second packet i create is identical to the first except it has tcp dport=4443, but when i use show2() the SSL layer is replayed by Raw
p2 = Ether()/IP(src="", dst='',flags="DF")/TCP(sport=12345, dport=4443, flags="PA", ack=1111, seq=3222)/SSL(records=[TLSRecord()/TLSHandshake()])
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst= 00:26:52:ce:5f:49
src= 34:23:87:20:76:59
type= IPv4
###[ IP ]###
version= 4L
ihl= 5L
tos= 0x0
len= 49
id= 1
flags= DF
frag= 0L
ttl= 64
proto= tcp
chksum= 0x30bd
###[ TCP ]###
sport= 12345
dport= 4443
seq= 3222
ack= 1111
dataofs= 5L
reserved= 0L
flags= PA
window= 8192
chksum= 0x1835
urgptr= 0
options= []
###[ Raw ]###
load= '\x16\x03\x01\x00\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00'
the third packet is created with no ssl layer but is on tcp dport=443, when i use show2() the ssl Layer is there and I am not expecting it
p3 = Ether()/IP(src="", dst='',flags="DF")/TCP(sport=12345, dport=443, flags="PA", ack=1111, seq=3222)/Raw(load="g\x05ZN`")
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst= 00:26:52:ce:5f:49
src= 34:23:87:20:76:59
type= IPv4
###[ IP ]###
version= 4L
ihl= 5L
tos= 0x0
len= 45
id= 1
flags= DF
frag= 0L
ttl= 64
proto= tcp
chksum= 0x30c1
###[ TCP ]###
sport= 12345
dport= https
seq= 3222
ack= 1111
dataofs= 5L
reserved= 0L
flags= PA
window= 8192
chksum= 0x2189
urgptr= 0
options= []
###[ SSL/TLS ]###
###[ Raw ]###
load= 'g\x05ZN`'
how can i craft the packet where the ssl layer appears in different dport other than 443?
why is Raw data appearing in SSL layer where dport = 443
am i stuck using dport 443 for ssl/tls?
am I also stuck on using a !443 dport when not using ssl/tls?
other info possibly related
scapy version 2.3.1
scapy-ssl_ tls-version 1.2.2
installation method manual:
install requirements from requirements.txt
copy scapy_ssl_tls/* to scapy_installation/scapy/layers
modify scapy_installation/scapy/config.py to autoload SSL/TLS