
I' m working on an SDN lab, I have 3 interconnected switches (2NETFPGA+1Open Vswitch) with a host connected to each. I'm setting OpenDayLight as a controller but the problem is that I can not get the controller to see the topology: It just shows the switches! no hosts ! no connection between switches!

I have installed these features in karaf: odl-l2switch-all and odl-dlux-all

Thanks for your help! Regards

Could it be the case that it's dropping all the packages when you're sending the pings and because of that the switches are not actually connecting to the hosts? I would recommend to make sure from the console that you can actually talk between the hosts before trying to see the connections in the UI.randombee
Hey, Pings between hosts do not reach. Normal ! the controller doesn't know about these hosts! I have tried with floodlight in this same topology configuration and it works just great !Striker
Mmh how do you create the topology? Are you using mininet? And yes, floodlight is normally a very friendly controller, I have tried Ryu and it was a nightmare :(randombee
My topology is hardware based. 2 Netfpga 1G switches and an Openvswitch. Is there a problem between Netfpga and Opendaylight ? Because I get some warnings on the Netfpgas saying: |datapath|WARN|recieved stats request of unkown type 12 ? Is openflow 1.0 enabled by default on ODL ? The problem is only with NetFpga because I can see the host connected to OVS !Striker

1 Answers


I also had this problem once. But in my case, displaying the hosts on the dlux gui was more of a priority and so i added a lower priority flow entry to the switches for action NORMAL. I know this is a work around, but it helps based on the need.