I see I got derailed and ended up answering a different question from the one asked. The answer to the real question is at the bottom of Paul Tomblin's answer. (If you want to enhance that solution to redirect stdout and stderr separately for some reason, you could use the technique I describe here.)
I've been wanting an answer that preserves the distinction between stdout and stderr.
Unfortunately all of the answers given so far that preserve that distinction
are race-prone: they risk programs seeing incomplete input, as I pointed out in comments.
I think I finally found an answer that preserves the distinction,
is not race prone, and isn't terribly fiddly either.
First building block: to swap stdout and stderr:
my_command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-
Second building block: if we wanted to filter (e.g. tee) only stderr,
we could accomplish that by swapping stdout&stderr, filtering, and then swapping back:
{ my_command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3- | stderr_filter;} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-
Now the rest is easy: we can add a stdout filter, either at the beginning:
{ { my_command | stdout_filter;} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3- | stderr_filter;} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3-
or at the end:
{ my_command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3- | stderr_filter;} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3- | stdout_filter
To convince myself that both of the above commands work, I used the following:
alias my_command='{ echo "to stdout"; echo "to stderr" >&2;}'
alias stdout_filter='{ sleep 1; sed -u "s/^/teed stdout: /" | tee stdout.txt;}'
alias stderr_filter='{ sleep 2; sed -u "s/^/teed stderr: /" | tee stderr.txt;}'
Output is:
...(1 second pause)...
teed stdout: to stdout
...(another 1 second pause)...
teed stderr: to stderr
and my prompt comes back immediately after the "teed stderr: to stderr
", as expected.
Footnote about zsh:
The above solution works in bash (and maybe some other shells, I'm not sure), but it doesn't work in zsh. There are two reasons it fails in zsh:
- the syntax
isn't understood by zsh; that has to be rewritten
as 2>&3 3>&-
- in zsh (unlike other shells), if you redirect a file descriptor
that's already open, in some cases (I don't completely understand how it decides) it does a built-in tee-like behavior instead. To avoid this, you have to close each fd prior to
redirecting it.
So, for example, my second solution has to be rewritten for zsh as {my_command 3>&1 1>&- 1>&2 2>&- 2>&3 3>&- | stderr_filter;} 3>&1 1>&- 1>&2 2>&- 2>&3 3>&- | stdout_filter
(which works in bash too, but is awfully verbose).
On the other hand, you can take advantage of zsh's mysterious built-in implicit teeing to get a much shorter solution for zsh, which doesn't run tee at all:
my_command >&1 >stdout.txt 2>&2 2>stderr.txt
(I wouldn't have guessed from the docs I found that the >&1
and 2>&2
are the thing that trigger zsh's implicit teeing; I found that out by trial-and-error.)