I have this trait:
trait Delivery[T] {
def form(): Form[T]
where Form is from play2 framework.
Then I have object that implements Delivery trait:
case class NewPostValidator(town: String, number: Int)
object NewPost extends Delivery[NewPostValidator]{
def form(): Form[NewPostValidator] = Form(mapping(
"town" -> nonEmptyText,
"number" -> number)(NewPostValidator.apply)(NewPostValidator.unapply))
Now I want to write function which accepts List of objects that implements trait Delivery. And I can't write type for parameter of it. If I try to write this like
list: List[Delivery[AnyRef]]
I've got type mismatch error and if I change Delivery trait to:
trait Delivery[+T] {
def form(): Form[T]
I've got Scala covariant type T occurs in invariant position error. How can I describe type for this parameter?