With the separation of admin and non admin at the controller level (which I much prefer to using 1.3's admin prefix) I am finding I'm duplicating too much code. Is there a way to share controller logic between the two controllers? I don't feel what I want to share should sit in a component as it's specific to the controller.
Table: Environments (contains server details)
non admin and admin can both restart a their/the customers environments.
This function uses a "Provision" component to call a web service that provisions the request returning a Job ID which I save against each environment. I have as much code in the Table class and Entity class as I can but I still have the following function in both non admin and admin controllers with the only difference being:
being changed for
in the admin function.
public function restart($prodtype)
$environments = $this->Environments->getEnvironments( $this->currentUser->customer_id, $prodtype, 2, [
] );
if(! $environments)
Log::error( DatabaseLog::formatErrorMessage( $this->name, $this->request->params['action'], 197, "getEnvironments returned no environments" ) );
$this->Flash->error( "Uh Oh! Sorry we were unable to restart your environments. Please try again" );
$this->redirect( $this->referer() );
$this->loadComponent( 'Provision' );
$jobId = $this->Provision->restartCustomerEnvironment( $environments[0] );
if(! $this->Environments->saveJobId( $environments, $jobId ))
Log::error( DatabaseLog::formatErrorMessage( $this->name, $this->here, 210, "Error saving environments " . print_r( $environments ) ) );
$this->Flash->success( "Great! Your {$environments[0]->full_production_name} environments are being restarted this may take a few moments" );
$this->redirect( $this->referer() );
I feel like I need shared controller:
- App\Controller\EnvironmentsSharedController extends AppController
- App\Controller\Admin\EnvironmentsController extends EnvironmentsSharedController
- App\Controller\EnvironmentsController extends EnvironmentsSharedController