I am writing a simple OpenGL applications that features the ability to change the color of a mesh using a fragment shader. However, the uniform float time
variable that is used to periodically change the colour (sin(time)
) is for some reason nonfunctioning.
Furthermore, the entire mesh is filled in a white color... EDIT: I simply forgot to bind the current shaderProgram. The uniform float time variable not doing anything is still not fixed though...
The PaintGL
void OpenGLWidget::paintGL() {
static unsigned int frame = 0;
// Enabling custom shader atttributes
int timeIndex = shaders->uniformLocation("time");
qDebug() << "Time index:" << timeIndex;
shaders->setUniformValue(timeIndex, time->elapsed());
qDebug() << "Frame " << frame << "| created = " << elems->isCreated() << "| time = " << time->elapsed()/1000.f;
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, rawelems.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);
the fragment shader:
#version 330 core
uniform float time;
out vec3 color;
void main() {
color = vec3( sin(time), 1.0f, 0.0f );
Note I have omitted the "vertex" vertex shader attribute which is used for placing the vertices - that takes up index 0 also, I am unsure if this is the problem, and even if it is how to solve it.
qDebug output (or some of it anyway):
TimeINDEX: 0
Shader compilation log: ""
Time index: 0
Frame 0 | created = true | time = 0.268
Time index: 0
Frame 1 | created = true | time = 0.372
Time index: 0
Frame 2 | created = true | time = 0.44
I was wondering if perhaps the problem may be in that I have the vertex and fragment shader both loaded in the shader
QOpenGLShaderProgram object, but at this stage I can do no more than merely throw guesses in a general direction.