i have code that deletes an item from my youtube watchLater playlist. this was working ok up to about two weeks ago - now i'm getting a 404 error from youtube.
here's the sequence of requests and responses (with authentication details stripped, of course):
get playlist items request:
get playlist items response:
"items": [
"id": "V0xsdWU1RUlKTHNjb3hNZ0VrRVpmcV9BLjU2QjQ0RjZEMTA1NTdDQzY="
delete request:
delete response:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "youtube.playlistItem",
"reason": "playlistItemNotFound",
"message": "Playlist item not found.",
"locationType": "parameter",
"location": "id"
"code": 404,
"message": "Playlist item not found."
when i view the playlist via the youtube web site, i can see that the item hasn't been deleted.
the docs for the api indicate that i'm doing everything correctly. while debugging i noticed that the playlist item id is a base64 encoded string; i get 404 using both the encoded and decoded string.
this issue isn't limited to one particular item; it appears any item i place in my watchLater playlist cannot be deleted. i don't have any issues deleting items from other playlists; only watchLater is having this problem.
anyone have any idea what's going on?
Edit (Oct 2016): Google have said the Watch Later playlist has been deprecated. See https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/revision_history