I have a combobox where the user can select a particular year (populated by the database) and view particular information for the year. That information is stored in a datatable which is bound to a datagrid. I want it to recreate the data grid when I change the year.
is a DataTable that has 14 columns Property Id, Property and year + Month. FillDataGrid creates the columns of _PropertyTenantData
with a given year, and runs a MySQL query which fills its rows. When the selection in the ComboBox changes I want to refresh the DataGrid because it will have new column names and different data.
public ViewCurrentPropertyTenant : Window
private void cboYear_SelectionChangd(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
object selectedItem = cboYear.SelectedItem;
string year = (selectedItem as YearData).Year;
The first part runs fine and gives me the data as I want it structured. The second part removes all the rows, the columns stay the same, and the new rows of _PropertyTenantData
are not added to the dataGrid. Thanks for the help!