
Respective All! Environment: APEX 5 What kind of expression I can write in "Condition" box of Dynamic Action I want to fire when button clicked? What should it be? SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript or something else? I mean first "Condition" field, just under Button name select list. enter image description here

Any help would be very appreciated

Occasionally discovered that I can put JavaScript conditional expression inside...Like a if($v('P_MY_ITEM') !=="". What about other possibilities? SQL? PL/SQL?Andrew

2 Answers


Conditions allows us to control what happens when a condition is met (true actions) and what happens when the condition is not met (false actions.)

For example if you want to hide or show an item only when a certain value is met, you can choose e.g 'equal to or not equal to' condition based on a return value as defined in your select list.


On the picture below is my example.

I have a button which refreshes table (interactive report). I created dynamic action to that button and added True action with parameters:

enter image description here