I'm trying to first uninstall a package, then install the latest version of that same package. Simple you would think, but when I include the following code in my DSC configuration:
### remove old product setup
Package removeOldProduct {
Ensure = 'Absent'
Name = 'My Product Name'
Path = ""
ProductId = ""
### now install the latest product setup
Package productSetup {
Ensure = 'Present'
Name = 'My Product Name'
Path = "$productShare\Repository\product.msi"
ProductId = ""
Arguments = "ACCEPT_EULA=1 /q"
DependsOn = '[Package]MsSql'
While creating the .mof file, I receive the following error:
Test-ConflictingResources : A conflict was detected between resources '[Package]productSetup and '[Package]removeOldProduct in node 'myNodeServer'. Resources have identical key properties but there are differences in the following non-key properties: 'Path;Ensure;Arguments'.
I don't want to use a Script resource to process my uninstall. What am I doing wrong here?