
I have two named ranges

range 1 : test1, test2, test3, test4

range 2 : 20, 30, 50, 80

If I select one of the values from range 1, then the corresponding range 2 value should be copied to next cell. For example, if I select 'test 3' from dropdown, then text '50' should be copied to adjacent cell.

From the OP's comments below:
Sheet 2 has two named ranges - range 1 and range 2. In sheet 1, First column is assigned 'range 1'. If I select one of the values from range 1, then the adjacent cell should have corresponding 'range 2' value.

Please included the VBA code snippet and add clarity to your task description: where are those Dropdown are located? Also, a fragment of the Worksheet with this sample data will be helpful. Best regards,Alexander Bell
Sheet 2 has two named ranges - range 1 and range 2. In sheet 1, First column is assigned 'range 1'. If I select one of the values from range 1, then the adjacent cell should have corresponding 'range 2' value. I am not sure how to attach an excel sheet in stack overflow. I will try to do that.Raja

2 Answers


This should be all you need.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address(0, 0) = "B3" Then
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Target.Offset(0, 1) = Range("range2") _
            (Application.Match(Target.Value, Range("range1"), 0))
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End If
End Sub

This formula finds the drop down text in range1 and recalls that location in range2.

Replace A1 with location of drop down selection.

Assumptions: Both arrays are of equal length.

=IFERROR( INDEX( range2, MATCH(D2, range1)), "•")