I'm trying to install Kafka on Mesos. Installation seems to have succeeded.
vagrant@DevNode:/dcos$ dcos package install kafka
This will install Apache Kafka DCOS Service.
Continue installing? [yes/no] yes
Installing Marathon app for package [kafka] version []
Installing CLI subcommand for package [kafka] version []
New command available: dcos kafka
The Apache Kafka DCOS Service is installed:
docs - https://github.com/mesos/kafka
issues - https://github.com/mesos/kafka/issues
vagrant@DevNode:/dcos$ dcos package list
kafka /kafka kafka Apache Kafka running on top of Apache Mesos
But kafka task is not started.
vagrant@DevNode:/dcos$ dcos kafka
Error: Kafka is not running
Marathon UI says service is waiting. Looks like it is not accepting resource that was allocated to it. More logs here.
Mar 23 03:52:59 ip-10-0-4-194.ec2.internal java[1425]: [2016-03-23 03:52:59,335] INFO Offer ID: [54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-O77]. Considered resources with roles: [*]. Not all basic resources satisfied: cpu not in offer, disk SATISFIED (0.0 <= 0.0), mem not in offer (mesosphere.mesos.ResourceMatcher$:marathon-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-11)
Mar 23 03:52:59 ip-10-0-4-194.ec2.internal java[1425]: [2016-03-23 03:52:59,370] INFO Offer [54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-O77]. Insufficient resources for [/kafka] (need cpus=0.5, mem=307.0, disk=0.0, ports=(1 dynamic), available in offer: [id { value: "54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-O77" } framework_id { value: "54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-0000" } slave_id { value: "54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-S1" } hostname: "" resources { name: "ports" type: RANGES ranges { range { begin: 1 end: 21 } range { begin: 23 end: 5050 } range { begin: 5052 end: 32000 } } role: "slave_public" } resources { name: "cpus" type: SCALAR scalar { value: 4.0 } role: "slave_public" } resources { name: "mem" type: SCALAR scalar { value: 14019.0 } role: "slave_public" } resources { name: "disk" type: SCALAR scalar { value: 32541.0 } role: "slave_public" } attributes { name: "public_ip" type: TEXT text { value: "true" } } url { scheme: "http" address { hostname: "" ip: "" port: 5051 } path: "/slave(1)" }] (mesosphere.mesos.TaskBuilder:marathon-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-11)
Mesos master logs..
Mar 23 15:38:22 ip-10-0-4-194.ec2.internal mesos-master[1371]: I0323 15:38:22.339759 1376 master.cpp:5350] Sending 2 offers to framework 54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-0000 (marathon) at [email protected]:60450
Mar 23 15:38:22 ip-10-0-4-194.ec2.internal mesos-master[1371]: I0323 15:38:22.341790 1381 master.cpp:3673] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ 54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-O373 ] for framework 54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-0000 (marathon) at [email protected]:60450
Mar 23 15:38:22 ip-10-0-4-194.ec2.internal mesos-master[1371]: I0323 15:38:22.342041 1381 master.cpp:3673] Processing DECLINE call for offers: [ 54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-O374 ] for framework 54f71504-b37a-4954-b082-e1f2a04b7fa4-0000 (marathon) at [email protected]:60450
No sure why marathon didn't like that offer. I'm fairly sure there is enough resource.