
I'm working with Xamarin.Forms in a PCL project.

I have a page/screen where there are an ListView control. I have created a custom DataTemplate for ViewCell.

This ViewCell has different controls: some Labels, one Button and also a Entry.

<ListView x:Name="lvProducts" >
        <StackLayout BackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" Orientation="Vertical">
          <Grid Padding="5">
            <Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="X" 
                    CommandParameter="{Binding MarkReference}"
                    Clicked="DeleteItemClicked" />
            <StackLayout Grid.Row="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Orientation="Horizontal" >
              <Label Text="Ref.: " FontSize="24" FontAttributes="Bold" TextColor="#000000" />
              <Label Text="{Binding Reference}" FontSize="24" TextColor="#000000" />
            <Entry Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding NumElements}"
                   Keyboard="Numeric" Placeholder="" FontSize="24"
                   HorizontalTextAlignment="Center"  Focused="OnItemFocus"    
                   Unfocused="OnItemUnfocus" />

I want to achieve two things with this Entry control that I'm not able achieve:

First, when I add a new item, I would like that this new item has his Entry the focus, ready to start typing.

Second, when the user ends to write a value into the Entry, I would like to change the value of the behind. I would like know which Entry of ListView has modified. I tried to use the Unfocused event, but in the params of the method that launches only has a sender param that returns the Entry object, no reference about the model that has binded.

    public void OnItemUnfocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Entry entry = (Entry)sender;
        //Here I would like to know the model object that's binded 
        //with this Entry / CellView item

How I can achieve these two points?

Regarding the second point, if you need to access the data object, you can override OnBindingContextChanged in the cell, and then obtain the object with var object = (YourClass)BindingContext. This way you can access the object in the data source whenever you need it.papafe
Thank you @markusian, I got your idea, and I have used it. I extended the Entry control and I used into Unfocused event. Works fine.stivex

2 Answers


I'd like to suggest you to use behaviors:

public class FocusBehavior : Behavior<Entry>
    private Entry _entry;

    public static readonly BindableProperty IsFocusedProperty =
                                propertyChanged: OnIsFocusedChanged);

    public int IsFocused
        get { return (int)GetValue(IsFocusedProperty); }
        set { SetValue(IsFocusedProperty, value); }

    protected override void OnAttachedTo(Entry bindable)

        _entry = bindable;

    private static void OnIsFocusedChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
        var behavior = bindable as FocusBehavior;
        var isFocused = (bool)newValue;

        if (isFocused)

<ListView x:Name="TasksListView"
          ItemsSource={Binding Tasks}
      <ViewCell x:Name="ViewCell">
        <Grid x:Name="RootGrid"
                <helpers:FocusBehavior IsFocused="{Binding BindingContext.IsFocused, Source={x:Reference RootGrid}}"/>

And my model:

public class TaskModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private bool _isFocused;

    public bool IsFocused
        get { return _isFocused; }
            _isFocused = value;

And in ViewModel, after adding new item, set it's IsFocused property to true.

The same thing with behavior you could use for TextChanged for Entry.


For my first question, I have found a way to solve it. I don't know if it is the best solution.

I have extended ListView to CustomListView, and I have added and a dictionary of cells:

private Dictionary<string, Cell> dicCells;

Also, I have overridden SetupContent and UnhookContent methods.

SetupContent fires when new cell has been added and one of his params gives me the new cell that I save into the dictionary. (MarkReference is my key value)

    //When a new cell item has added, we save it into a dictionary
    protected override void SetupContent(Cell content, int index)
        base.SetupContent(content, index);

        ViewCell vc = (ViewCell)content;            

        if (vc != null)
            BasketProduct bp = (BasketProduct)vc.BindingContext;
            if (bp != null)
                this.dicCells.Add(bp.MarkReference, content);


UnhookContent fires when a cell has been removed. I remove the item that exists into my dictionary.

    //When a new cell item has removed, we remove from the dictionary
    protected override void UnhookContent(Cell content)

        ViewCell vc = (ViewCell)content;

        if (vc != null)
            BasketProduct bp = (BasketProduct)vc.BindingContext;
            if (bp != null)


Then, I have created a function that retrieves a Entry (CustomEntry in my case) that contains the object (BasketProduct in my case).

    //Retrieves a CustomEntry control that are into the collection and represents the BasketProduct that we have passed
    public CustomEntry GetEntry(BasketProduct bp)
        CustomEntry ce = null;

        if (bp != null && this.dicCells.ContainsKey(bp.MarkReference))
            ViewCell vc = (ViewCell)this.dicCells[bp.MarkReference];

            if (vc != null)
                ce = (CustomEntry)((Grid)((StackLayout)vc.View).Children[0]).Children[4];


        return ce;

When I want to give the focus on a certain Entry, I call this method:

    //Put the focus on the CustomEntry control that represents de BasketProduct that they have passed
    public void SetSelected(BasketProduct bp, bool withDelay)
        CustomEntry entry = null;

        entry = GetEntry(bp);

        if (entry != null)
            if (withDelay)
            } else

If I call the SetSelected() method from ItemTapped method, works fine, but if I call the SetSelected() method after adding a item in then collection, the Entry doesn't get the focus. In this case, I have done a trick.

    private async void FocusDelay(CustomEntry entry)
        await Task.Delay(500);

About second question, as @markusian suggested, I have extended the Entry (CustomEntry) control and in the Unfocused event I have done this:

    private void CustomEntry_Unfocused(object sender, FocusEventArgs e)
            //If the user leaves the field empty, we set the last value
            BasketProduct bp = (BasketProduct)BindingContext;
            if (this.Text.Trim().Equals(string.Empty))
                this.Text = bp.NumElements.ToString();
        catch (FormatException ex) { }